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Enjoy farm-to-table food and explore Gold Rush history in California’s vibrant capital city
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萨克拉门托 is undergoing an energetic renaissance. Young professionals looking for an urban vibe are moving into this low-key city, 与小啤酒厂, gastropubs, and trendy boutiques popping up on every corner. Award-winning chefs are gaining attention for their focus on hyper-local ingredients, and relationships between restaurants and surrounding farms have made 萨克拉门托 国家的领袖 建立菜. The oversized role that all things culinary play here is also the spark behind many events and foodie activities, 其中每年的 建立的节日, 小龙虾 & 鲶鱼的节日,和 炸鸡道, a free itinerary featuring more than ten of the city’s best spots to indulge in a drumstick or two. Hot summer days create some of the most idyllic evenings anywhere in the state, where locals sit on porches in elegant Victorian-era homes, and kids scamper in leafy parks until the sun goes down.


作为州首府, 还有很多事情要做, and gatherings of various colorful groups around the cupola-topped 首都博物馆 是常见的. Museums are centered largely around the 国会大厦购物中心 地区和历史 旧萨克拉门托海滨, renovated area along the 萨克拉门托 River that was a hub during the Gold Rush. 历史爱好者会喜欢的 California State Railroad Museum, featuring carefully restored “iron horses,” and the 萨克拉门托历史博物馆, where guides in period costumes lead you on a tour of underground spaces and streets abandoned when, 作为防洪措施, city raised its streets and buildings. (Those over 21 can go on special “Underground After Hours” tours to delve into the city’s darker past.) Also, don’t miss the interactive 加利福尼亚博物馆, home of the California Hall of Fame. A few miles away from the 加利福尼亚博物馆 is the SMUD Museum of Science and Curiosity (MOSAC), which is filled with more than 100 hands-on exhibits that focus on health, 自然, 能源, 水, 工程, 和空间. 

For an outdoor mobile experience, try a walking, running, or cycling tour with Sac旅游公司, offering an on-the-go look at the city’s important structures and public art.

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Whether on foot or on wheels, getting around the city is a cinch. Granted the gold award for bike-friendliness by the 美国自行车联盟, 萨克拉门托 is a great place to explore by bike, 有宽阔的指定车道, and paved trails along the American and 萨克拉门托 Rivers. There’s also a convenient light-rail system linking popular sites around town. Car travel is easy as well, thanks to 最小值imal traffic in the city center and beyond.






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